Smoking in Amman

First of all I would like to say that I have quit smoking for well over 3 months (with a celebratory one after I finished my bachelors degree, but I digress…). Now I don’t know if I was this much of an inconsiderate horrible human being, but that seems to be the way of smokers in Amman now that I quit.

“Well Saed that’s hypocritical, you probably used to be the same, too! Ma ma3ak gaddaa7a?”

Well, my good, curious, smoking friend, I proudly say: No. I would actually make a conscious act to exhale vertically or diagonally so that it does not shroud some poor unfortunate soul’s face.


Even smoking has manners; I mean I would seriously always be aware where I’m blowing smoke (even careful not to blow smoke up people’s bum, go figure). I don’t understand how some smokers can be so inconsiderate such that they automatically assume that everyone loves air with a nicotine content of like 70% (not 80% because that’s too much). I mean it’s fine when you’re at a cafe or a bar, you expect that. But when you’re smoking in an improvised, cubicle-sized, poorly designed “buffer room”, I would say it might be nicer of you if you would make use of your twig-legs to move 3/4 steps to go outside, and pull your cigarette out of every passer-by’s throat.

But of course why take my word for it, I’m just a friendly [aka weak] fellow citizen, why would it matter what I say, given that you own every single thing in this country, and that you’re always right. Why you actually think you’re always right is beyond me. Maybe because your parents dominated your life so god damn hard that it made your judgement so blind and hazed, just so that you could salvage whatever bit of control over your life you can manage.


I guess,


About saedt

An immature empath, urban designer, music hobbyist, and dreamer.

2 responses to “Smoking in Amman”

  1. Ru'a Al-Abweh says :

    Awesome rant. Thank you. And virtual high five for the victoriously quitting!


  2. saedt says :

    *High five*

    Enjoying the sun without a smoke is gonna be annoying though 😛


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